Our Funds

Trustee and Custodian Banks
Hatton National Bank /
Deutsche Bank AG
Licenced and Regulated by
Securities and Exchange
Commission of Sri Lanka
Associate Company of

Ceylon Treasury Income Fund

As at 05th March 2025





YTD Performance (Non- Annualized)

1.14 %


Investment rationale

The objective of the Fund is to invest in securities issued by the government of Sri Lanka at minimal risk. In order to achieve this objective, the Fund will be invested in the following instruments:

  1. Treasury Bills and Treasury Bonds
  2. Repurchase Agreements 


Investment restrictions

The Manager will make investments within the parameters set out by the Securities and Exchange Commission of Sri Lanka (SEC) as well as the Unit Trust Deed of the Fund. Unless permitted by the SEC, the Manager will not make the following investments:


  1. Any investment for the purpose of gaining management control of a company
  2. Any investment in equity or foreign securities
  • Any investment that involves the Trust in unlimited liability
  1. Leverage by borrowing against securities or buying on margin
  2. Make loans, act as a guarantor or indemnify any person
  3. Underwrite securities or Investments in commodities and real estate

The Fund is valued daily on a marked-to-market basis & therefore, exposed to interest rate volatility. Currently, the interest rates remain at high levels and this risk is therefore mitigated.

* Past performance is not an indicator of future performance


Benefits Of Investing In The Fund

Why Invest in Government Securities?

Risk-Free Investment ( Government Guaranteed)

Available in a wide range of maturities from 3 months to longer duration of varied liability structures.

Efficient settlement systems for trading in Government Securities to mitigate the settlement risk.

Ease of entry and exit – High Liquidity.

Interim Cash Flows – semi-annual coupon interests on Treasury Bonds.

The CTIF is exempted from withholding tax deduction since unit trust acts as flow through. However, individual tax brackets will apply to investors.

Investment Details

Bloomberg Code
Minimum Investment
LKR 100,000/-
Front End Fee
Management Fee
0.50% per annum of assets under management
Trustee & Custodian Fees

0.15% per annum of assets under management

Exit Fees


Investors eligible to invest
  • Citizens of Sri Lanka
  • Companies and institutions incorporated in Sri Lanka
  • Foreign institutions and individuals (Gazette No – 1719/22)
  • Minors under the age of 18 years provided the application is made by a duly appointed guardian

All capital and profits earned can be repatriated to a pre confirmed designated bank account without restriction.

Bank Details

Account Name : Ceylon Treasury Income Fund
Account No : 003010547572
Bank : Hatton National Bank PLC
Bank Code : 7083
Branch : Head Office
Branch Code : 003

Address : “HNB Towers”, No. 479, T B Jayah Mawatha, Colombo 10, Sri Lanka.

Documents Required To Invest In The Fund

Ceylon Asset Management Company Limited does not accept cash.

You may apply for units of CTIF by transferring LKR from your account or by depositing a cheque to the CTIF Account in the Hatton National Bank. The details are as follows:

Individual/Joint Investors

  1. Duly signed application form
  2. A copy of your NIC / Passport
  3. A billing proof of address

Corporate Investor

  1. Application form signed by two authorized signatories
  2. A Board Resolution giving authority to place investments
  3. A letter of Authorization with specimen signatures to operate the investment
  4. Certified copy of Articles of Association
  5. Certified copy of Certificate of Incorporation
  6. Passport / NIC copies of the authorized signatories Information of Directors and Beneficial Owners

Procedure to Withdrawal

You can turn your units into cash at any time. All you have to do is send us an email to (redemption@ceylonam.com ) and we would transfer the funds to the designated account of yours within 01 working day
Emails received before 9.30 am on a working day, transactions will be processed based on the previous day’s closing price.
Emails received after 9.30 am on a working day, transactions will be processed based on the same day’s closing unit price


We are here to help, chat with us on WhatsApp with any questions


We are here to help, chat with us on WhatsApp with any questions